Sunday, September 25, 2011

Mouse conspiracy in Mombasa

On my third visit of Kenya, I run into an interesting condition of my motorbike's engine. I am happy that after five months of non-use the engine still starts in seconds. But shortly after ignition I notice dense black smoke. I remove the covers and notice that 20 cm of rubber tube is missing. That was the tube which connects the oil tank and the engine. As I look further I notice mouth teets imprints. "Good work", I say to myself. :) Later I notice also most of electrical wires were eaten. But no problem. I decide to repair everything. I buy new tube in the village and repair electrical wires with insulation tape. It looks it works. I am ready to go south.
Mouse ate the oil tube
Eaten electrical wires
Bad condition of wire
New oil tube
In the house of James
With James and his daughter

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Crossing African continent on Yamaha XT660R

Crossing African continent on Yamaha XT660R
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