Yesterday I arrived to a farm called Aussicht in Kaokoland,
north west Namibia, 70 km south of Opuwo. For last 5 kms I needed 30 minutes
as the road is so bad that I couldn't drive in average more than 10 km/h. It was also very steep. On
the way I saw all these funny signs as 'No speed limit' and ‘The road will be
tared next week’. :) The farm is on top of the hill / mountains from where I had a nice view of surrounding hills.
The owner lives here for last 26 years but he turned the farm into tourist farm
only 10 years ago. It is self-catering but you can book a dinner with
owner even if you are just camping. Otherwise meals are included in price if you stay in the rooms. I was camping.
There is a big problem with water in this area. Last year they've got just 250 mm
of rainfall per square meter, this year might be even worse, as it they've got just 70 mm by
now and it's already May. All of the water on the farm is collected from rain. If it's very dry for
a long time, the owner will be forced to bring the water from more than 10 kms away. The
water is transported by so-called water-vehicles. I wonder how the Himba tribe
is coping with water problem as they have no cars. I will discover this later, probably in following days.
We had some interesting talk at the dinner with the owner Marius and two other
guests from campsite, Franz and Anita from Freiburg, Germany. Marius explained
one theory why Namibia has such an incredible geological surface. As the
scientists claim that many milions years were needed to Gondwana continent (Africa
and South America together) split into two continents, Marius (Aussicht lodge) beleives it
was a huge meteorite which hit the Earth +-8000 millions years ago. So everything
happened fast. That explains fossils. The explains unbelievable landscapes in
Namibia and also Northern Cape and Western Cape in South Africa. When meteorite hit the surface, a large quantitiy of water splashed from the ground.
Ocean between the new continents was created right after. That is prooved by
shapes of the mountains which are all parallel to the sea. As meteroite gave
Earth huge shock-momentum, Earth started to spin around its axis differentely
and under a certain angle, with so called Gyroscope effect. That explains climate
changes. We had different position to the sun for a long time. As the angle is
coming back to more vertical position now, that's why we feel climate is
changing so fast in recent years. So the Earth is just going back to normal
spinning position to the sun as it was before the meteorite hit our planet.
So no worries, the Earth is not heading to any climate
catastrophy. The catastrophy is hidden in humans, greedy humans. Climate change
and following industry is more an invention of the new world system how to
collect more money and how to enslave more people to serve to the system. But
as money value is in danger to completelly collapse in next few years, there
will be more suicides and new wars. So it will be very interesting and hectic around
here on this planet. Only if we humans finally decide to start to use common
sense again. And it must be started by each individual.
In every step we just need to start to use common sense and we will see how
many stupid things we are doing every day. Just because we are scared, unsecure
or maybe just lazy.
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Filling station in Sesfontein |
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Red rocks |
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Aussicht lodge, south of Opuwo |
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Aussicht lodge, south of Opuwo |
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Aussicht lodge, south of Opuwo |
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Aussicht lodge, south of Opuwo |
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Marius Steiner on the right |
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Little Himba |