Saturday, May 24, 2014

Celebrity on motorbike?

The other day I came out of Pick'n'Pay shop in Linden in Johannesburg. It was just before the dark. There was a white guy standing in front of my motorbike. He told me he saw my motorbike on the parking space and the sticker '' on it. He told me he is subscribed to my blog for some time and that he read much of my adventures. He said he admires the LITE way of my travel. He is familiar with Wild Dogs, huge south african society of motorbikers.
Really amazing that somebody recognized me on the street, thousands of miles away from my home. Am I a celebrity? :) It's such a small world. Today I've met a beautiful girl named Kelly for the second time in my life.  One year and half ago we've met on the top of Table Mountain in Cape Town, 2000 kms away. We've chatted for few minutes and that was it. Since then we have been friends on Facebook. Today when walking in the crowd in Johannesburg we've bumped to each other at Deutsche Schule Beer festival near downtown Joburg. It's such a small world. :)

About Me

Crossing African continent on Yamaha XT660R

Crossing African continent on Yamaha XT660R
Lifetime experience

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